Why You Want a Lawyer in Municipal Court
Many people understand why a person may want a lawyer to help defend them against serious criminal charges, and now we understand why it is beneficial to have a lawyer present your appellate case since many people do not even understand how appellate court even works. But why would a person want a lawyer for something seemingly “trivial”, like a traffic offense or petty crime?
In truth, some offenses may be so minor that they can be handled by the individual. For instance, some parking and traffic violations carry no points that will affect a driving record and can be paid online or at the court; just remember to pay the ticket before the date listed on the summons or the court may impose additional fees and costs, suspend your driver’s license, or even issue a bench warrant, allowing the police to arrest you and require you to appear before the court.
However, for other disorderly person offenses, a plea deal or conviction can have a negative impact on your life beyond the payment of a fine or even spending some time in jail and if you are unfamiliar with the court system, you may need help navigating the process. Most people are probably unfamiliar with most local ordinances where they live, but that doesn’t stop them from being charged with violating them. Even accepting a plea may have a consequence of which you are unaware. For instance, a guilty plea for charges related to a car accident can later be used against you if another party involved in the accident decides to file a civil lawsuit against you. Traffic tickets affect insurance premiums (which are already exorbitant in New Jersey) for years after an incident. Even if a driver’s license is not suspended, points imposed by the MVC may add up, causing a license to be suspended anyway. Pleading guilty to a criminal offense may lead to no jail time, but can be marked on a criminal record. Such penalties can have profound consequences that make it harder to find or keep a job, cause stiffer penalties for future charges, hinder college acceptance, prevent enlistment in the military, obtain a firearm license, or obtain a license to be a professional such as a lawyer or hold public office.
So how can having an attorney help you avoid these consequences?
Attorneys know the law and how to argue and negotiate in court. Their sole purpose is literally to protect your rights and interests. Prosecutors and judges are likely to listen to and consider these valid arguments for dismissing or reducing charges. Attorneys can negotiate favorable deals, particularly since they often know the judge and/or prosecutor, know the law and the various options available, and know how to navigate uncertain legal situations. This may result in alternative costs and/or penalties if the charges are changed, or even no cost and/or penalties at all depending on the situation.
Lawyers understand and know how to navigate court processes, legal requirements, and what actions people need to take. When you hire a lawyer, you will have someone on your side who represents you and your interested, and can help you understand the complexities and intricacies of the law, so your results are favorable.